
The call for abstracts has closed.  

General Information | Types of Abstract Presentations | Abstract and Author Requirements | Resolution of Personal Conflicts of Interest | Formatting Your Abstract | Help with the Online Submission Form

Please Note: 

  • You must be registered for you to present your oral or poster presentation at the Conference. 
  • Submitters will receive notification in early February before the early registration deadline of February 18, 2025.  

General Information 

  • The deadline to submit abstracts is January 16, 2025 11:59 pm EST. Please ensure that your submission has been submitted and you have received the confirmation e-mail. SHEA is not responsible for abstracts that are not completed and submitted by the deadline date.  
  • Submissions with an “INCOMPLETE” status cannot be processed. 
  • Submitters may return to the online system to edit abstracts, revise information, correct typographical errors, tables, graphics, or delete a submission at any time before the submission deadline. After this time, the system will be closed and completed abstracts reviewed by SHEA. An author may not revise or resubmit an abstract in order to make changes or corrections after this deadline; adding or removing authors after the submission deadline is not permitted. The abstract may be withdrawn or, if accepted, the error may be indicated during the presentation. Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before they are submitted. SHEA is not authorized to make changes to a submission. 
  • General information subject to change due to circumstances beyond SHEA’s control. 
  • If accepted, your abstract will be published within SHEA’s Antimicrobial Stewardship in Healthcare Epidemiology journal as an online supplement in the manner in which it is submitted, so please double-check your information is correct. You will not have an opportunity to edit your abstract after the submission deadline. 
  • Notifications of Acceptance will be made in early February 2025.

Types of Abstract Presentations 

Oral Presentations 

  • Authors of abstracts selected for oral presentations will be notified in advance to prepare. Read the guidelines for presentations
  • All accepted oral abstracts presentations will be:
    • Included in the Online Conference Agenda (including abstract title, content, authors and presentation time). 
    • And published online for attendee access (including abstract title, authors, and PDF file of oral presentation). 

Poster Presentations 

  • Poster Presentations will be scheduled during lunch breaks. 
  • All accepted poster abstracts presentations will be:
    • Included in the Online Conference Agenda (including abstract title, authors and presentation time). 
    • And published online for attendee access (including abstract title, content, authors, and PDF file of poster). 
    • Submitted abstracts that are selected as poster presentations to give authors an opportunity to acquaint attendees and experts in the field with the fundamentals of their abstracts and research. Posters will be asked to upload a pre-recorded 2-3 minute video that gives a preview of the poster before the start of the conference. Read the guidelines for presentations
  • Abstract Submission Topic Areas

    We welcome submissions on topics in healthcare, particularly in infection prevention, public health, and patient safety. It can be summarized into the following categories (but not limited to):

    1. Infection Control and Prevention:
      • Antibiotic Stewardship
      • C. difficile, CAUTI, CLABSI, VAE, SSI
      • Hand Hygiene, Decolonization Strategies, Environmental Cleaning
      • Disinfection/Sterilization, Diagnostic Stewardship
      • Infections in Immunocompromised Patients, MDR GNR, MRSA/VRE
      • Emerging Pathogens, Non-Respiratory Viral Infections, Respiratory Viruses
    2. Healthcare Settings and Populations:
      • Long Term Care
      • Pediatrics
      • Dialysis
      • Infection Prevention in Low and Middle-Income Countries
    3. Public Health and Safety:
      • COVID-19, Outbreaks
      • Vaccination
      • Patient Safety, Regulatory Issues
    4. Research and Technology:
      • Microbiology, Molecular Epidemiology
      • Research Methodology and Statistics, Surveillance
      • Medical Informatics, Technology, Product Evaluation
    5. Quality and Leadership:
      • Quality Improvement
      • Leadership
      • Implementation Science
    6. Diversity and Occupational Health:
      • DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion)
      • Occupational Health
  • Abstract and Author Requirements
    • Obtain approval in advance from all co-authors before placing their names on the abstract. Submission of an abstract denotes co-authors as well as authors have read the abstract, take responsibility for its content, and approve that their names appear on the abstract. Failure to obtain approval from all authors will result in immediate rejection of the abstract.
    • Include a concise statement of the research under investigation and its objectives. Define all concepts and abbreviations at first use.
    • Describe experimental methods briefly (including relevant numbers of patients and/or microorganisms).
    • Describe specific findings and analysis of data. (Promises such as “to be completed” are not acceptable).
    • Include specific conclusions, with supporting statistical analyses when appropriate. (Concluding statements such as “the results will be discussed” are not acceptable).
    • Do not submit multiple abstracts on overlapping facets of the same project unless each abstract has important, novel information and clearly stands on its own. Repetitive abstracts will be rejected.
    • Resolve any issues relating to patent matters before submitting the abstract.
    • Agree to the SHEA embargo and copyright policy.
    • Provide disclosures of potential conflicts of interest and complete an attestation form. List any financial interests, assistance, or relationships with companies, supporters, or commercial products that are related to the research (for example, research support, grants, sponsors, stockholder, etc.). A response to this request must be provided for the presenting author before the abstract can be peer reviewed. If your abstract is accepted, ALL AUTHORS will need to sign in to complete their profiles and disclosures (even if they are not attending the meeting).
  • Resolution of Personal Conflicts of Interest

    It is the policy of SHEA that all faculty, abstract authors, and staff disclose and resolve any real or apparent conflicts of interest relating to the topics of this educational activity. According to the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) Standard for Integrity and Independence, SHEA must provide balance, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all sponsored educational activities accredited for continuing medical education (CME). The intent of the disclosure is to provide the audience with information on which they can make their own judgments on program content. The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America is accredited by ACCME to provide CME for physicians.

  • Formatting Your Abstract
    • Abstracts should be no more than 400 words: not including title, authors, and spaces. Words within a table are counted towards the character limit. Figures, title, and authors do not count against the 400-word limit. Use simple fonts.
    • Italics, underline, bold, superscript and subscript formatting, Greek characters (both upper and lowercase), scientific characters, charts, tables, and graphs are accepted.
    • Do NOT enter any part of your abstract in CAPS, to include title, authors, or abstract body.
    • Always include the abstract title, authors, affiliations, and text.
    • You may copy and paste the text of your abstract from a word processing document or a clipboard directly into the online abstract box.
    • All fields must contain the requested information, or the submission will not be complete.
    • Do not send multiple submissions of the same abstract. Duplicate abstracts will be rejected. Be sure to combine all new information into one abstract.
    • Obtain approval in advance from all co-authors before placing names on the abstract. Submission of an abstract implies that the author and coauthors are aware that their names will appear on the abstract. Failure to obtain approval from all authors will result in rejection of the abstract.
    • Always keep an original copy of your submitted abstract.
    • Always proofread your abstract. Accepted abstracts will be published exactly as submitted. If English is not your first language, please have a fluent English speaker review your abstract.
  • Help with the Online Submission Form

    The following is required to complete the online submission. Please note, detailed instructions are provided online during the abstract submission process.

    The title is not included in the 400-word limit. Use a concise title that summarizes the content of the abstract. Capitalize the first letter of each word except prepositions, articles, and species names. Italicize all specific/scientific names of microorganisms as appropriate.

    Choose 1 Subject Category in order of preference. Abstracts will be divided into categories for programming purposes. The Abstract Committee reserves the right to reassign your abstract.

    Enter complete author(s) names (example: John S. Doe, MD). Include the name, degree, institution, city, state, and country of all authors and author groups. Do NOT insert periods into authors’ degrees.

    List the name of each author’s institution, city, state, and country (do not include department, division, laboratory, etc.). Grant acknowledgments should not appear in abstracts but should be included in the CME disclosures.

    Describe the relevance of the research using background, methods, results, and conclusions. SHEA will not edit or revise the abstracts. Submitters/authors are responsible for the accuracy of the abstract text. We recommend that a colleague review the abstract for accuracy and grammar.

    Provide all pertinent contact information to ensure that correspondence is received promptly and accurately. You must specify the “presenting author.” SHEA will correspond with the presenting author using only the contact information that is provided at the time of submission. It is the responsibility of the presenting author to communicate future correspondence to all co-authors and abstract submitters. Notifications will be sent to the presenting author only.

    Changes/modifications, including author and affiliation changes, are allowed for submitted abstracts until the abstract submission deadline. Changes to submitted abstracts will not be possible after this deadline. Once you submit the abstract, a confirmation message will appear on the screen with an abstract tracking number assigned. Keep records of your abstract ID until you receive your abstract disposition letter.